Friday, July 16, 2010

Hold on to your diapers ladies!!!

Ok fellow mommies and friends of mommies, you are going to want to sit down for the little piece of news I am about to divulge. I'll wait as you locate a stable chair to support you in the shock of your life.
I'll start at the beginning. Today is Friday. For me that means Target Day!!! Target is a very happy place for me. There is always something new and pretty to look at in the magical land of Target. My blood pressure rises just a tad when I see that wonderful red and white clearance tag at the end of an aisle on a lovely piece of merchandise. Sometimes I have a need to go to Target when Target Friday rolls around. Other Fridays I just go to see the sites. Today I went on a mission to get the finishing piece to a birthday present. I have a general route when entering Target. Of course, first things first, you must get a shopping cart to haul all of your treasures. Then I head straight for the dollar section to pick up new incentives for my treasure box at school. This section conveniently ends where the clothes section begins. At the completion of this department, I am directed towards the shoes. After perusing this weeks selection I end up in the baby section. Then I move on to cleaning supplies, home organization, seasonal, home decor, toiletries, and finally end my shopping experience in the grocery section. Today, however, after quickly glancing at the shoes, I rounded the corner to find the most beautiful display I have ever seen in Target. I really stopped dead in my tracts and stared with my mouth hanging open in amazement at what stood in front of me. It was as though a spotlight was shining on this particular display and the Hallelujah chorus was playing from the speakers. There, staring me in the face were....

Designer Diapers!!!

Aren't you glad I made you sit down? I am still in shock. I have only dreamed of something so wonderful and here they are! I have often wondered why they don't make separate diapers for boys and girls and have even voiced this concern but never thought of actually making it happen. Up until now the cutest diapers I have yet to find are Target brand (of course this wonderful place would have the cute diapers). Unfortunately Lucy's snooty booty is allergic to these diapers so we are stuck with Winnie the Pooh or Mickey Mouse and I am NOT a fan of character paraphernalia. Characters belong in cartoons, movies, or Disney World not on hieney's or T-shirts!
But these diapers are Pampers! Lucy can (and will) wear them!!! They are designed by Cynthia Rowley and come in 11 covet-worthy designs including madras, gingham, and stripes (sorry mommies of boys; I couldn't find a boy picture but the boy's styles are equally adorable). They are sold in sizes 2-4 and since Lucy is in a size 4 now and almost to a 5, she will be sporting this trend until her little cheeks are oozing out of the sides. Of course, since they are designer, they are a bit more expensive than regular Pampers. At Target, they sell for about $13.50 for a 26 count box. However, I am pretty sure that coupons can be used.
Once again, the totally terrific town of Target leaves me smiling!

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