Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Day in the Life of Lucy

I blog because I want to remember the normal, everyday cuteness of Lucy and all of her sweet little girl happenings. One day this blog will be turned into a book for her to remember all of our fun and my trial and errors (and some successes) as a young wife and mommy. Today was a perfectly normal and yet monumental (in 2 year old terms, at least) day so I felt the need to document.

The day began with Lucy screaming from her bed, "I need to go potty, Mommy!" Usually I hear something more like, "It's bright outside, Mommy! It's bright outside!" (She's not allowed out of her bed until someone comes to get her and she's not allowed to wake up until the sun is out.) I took her to the potty and discovered our big news of the day- her pull up was dry! For you lovely people who haven't had the pleasure of potty training yet, this is not a huge deal, but for the ones who have had this experience, you know what this means- We're 1 step closer to being pull up free which will save me about $12 a month. (That doesn't sound like a lot, but spending $12 on almost anything else is way more fun that spending it on pull ups.) Lucy has technically been potty trained since right around her 2nd birthday (relive that fun here and here) but we use pull ups for naps and nighttime. We just opened a new pack of pull ups and I'm really hoping this is the last pack we'll ever need. (Wishful thinking???)

As usual, the pants came off and the heels went on. Lucy got about 600 pairs of dress up heels for Christmas and she wears each of them throughout the day.

After putting her heels on, she looked at me and said (in her most grown up voice), "I just want to read a little bit, Mom." I asked what she wanted me to do and she said, "You go downstairs." Like any good mommy, I followed directions (just trying to be a good model) and went back to bed to catch up on Facebook and Pinterest.

After reading all of her books, she pranced to the playroom and began her daily destruction.

She plays with each toy one-by-one them puts it on the floor and moves onto the next toy until she has successfully played with each toy and destroyed the once clean playroom. Then she chooses her favorite for the day and plays with that 1 toy almost all day.

In the picture above, the playroom is clean except for the things she has played with from the random toy basket.

And this is what the playroom looks like at the end of the day. Seriously, this is just from 1 day.

After a little playtime, we got dressed. (ok, so maybe this wasn't a perfectly normal day because we got dressed before 3pm and well, that doesn't always happen.) Now, for an easy-going mommy, this is a pretty simple activity but, for an OCD mommy and a very picky 2 year old, this is a battle. You see, I have a closet system. All clothes are organized by colors from lightest to darkest, short sleeves to long sleeves. You start with the 1st shirt hanging, wear it, then hang it in the back of the closet. This way all clothes get equal use. Today just happened to be sweater, jean, and tennis shoe day and guess what Lucy hates- sweaters (their too bulky like jackets), jeans (their too tight and she can't move as easily), and socks (which are worn with tennis shoes because the seams are "pokey"). She was in such a good mood this morning that I thought I would just casually start getting her dressed while she watched Dora and see how it went.

I walked in and told her I was going to get her dressed. She said, "Ok Mommy. What princess dress do we have today?" (She calls all shirts and dresses princess dresses.) After looking at my selection she threw her body back on the couch and screamed, "Noooooooo, not that one. I no like that one. Nooooooooooooooooooo." And then the fit started. A normal mother would have said, "Ok, honey, you go pick something." But no, not this girl. This was next in line and this is what we'll wear.

You see, I have a theory about clothes- it's like food. There are certain foods (and clothes) that kids just don't like to eat (or wear), but they have to anyway. I could give in and let her eat (or wear) whatever she wants, but at some point she's going to have to eat vegetables (or wear tennis shoes- like next year when she's in preschool). So, the more you expose them to those foods (or clothes), the more they get used to them and the more they don't mind eating (or wearing) them. Sounds like a pretty good theory to me. I'll let you know when my research is complete.

So she screamed and kicked and fussed but I was determined to get those clothes on. In the end, I won and she made it to the car looking adorable and with a smile on her face because she was getting some raisins once she was strapped in her seat.

We headed to story time at the library, which she loves, and made it out without a fit. (This is a pretty big achievement. We always go to the grocery store after story time and she just never wants to leave so it's always a big fight to get her out.)

I meant to take pictures of her at the library but I forgot so here's 1 of her reading a book after we left the library. (The library always renews her love of books and she spends the rest of the day going through hers.)

Off to the grocery store we went. Several months ago Lucy spotted a princess cake at the bakery and now asks to see it every time we go. This has become her reward for being a sweet girl (not singing too loudly in the store, not taking things off the shelves and putting them in the cart, and not asking for things and getting mad because I say no) during our trip. She got a real treat today because the baker was actually decorating a princess cake when we went to see it.

Next up was lunch. This week is L week (Lucy week) so we're doing a lot of Lucy's favorite things. I told her that she could pick anything she wanted for lunch and this was her choice.

Mini pancakes and mini muffins (plan to see these again next week for M week)

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful- nap and playtime with some friends while Jeff and I went to home group.

I am so thankful for my completely ordinary days with Lucy and am 1 lucky lady to have such a devoted husband who provides for our family and makes it possible for Lucy and me to have days like today.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

E is for Eggs (Pruitt Preschool)

If you're looking for D week, click here. I typed the post weeks ago but didn't finish it until this week and forgot to change the date so it would show up in the right order.

I do not like green eggs and ham; I do not like them Lauren I am. I do not like them in my house, I do not like them when I'm out. I do not like them when I cook, I do not like them in a book. I do not like them... You get the point: I DO NOT LIKE EGGS! I don't like the smell, I don't like the texture, I don't like the taste. I just don't like them. When I was pregnant with Lucy, I woke up 1 morning craving them. It was during the yucky, sick all the time stage where I was only eating toast and cheerios so to crave something was reason enough to make them. About 2 hour laster I was more sick than I had been (which was way sick, so it was bad) and realized that the eggs had gone bad. Needless to say, I refuse to ever eat another egg. To say I was dreading E week was a huge understatement. I just couldn't come up with anything else to do for E week so I sucked it up and gave my kid some eggs.

Bet you can't guess what our book of the week was.

Our verse for the week was Psalm 150:6, Let Everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! We also learned a new song this week!

I started off slowly with the eggs. You know, eased my way in.

See that little square in the top left corner? It's actually this...
(Told you I didn't like eggs.) This has vegetables in it so this is way better than anything I could have come up with anyway. AND I just popped it in the microwave and Ta-da! Instant egg breakfast for E week!

Moving on. I did actually make eggs, I promise.

I boiled them so we could dye eggs.

Then we got in some fine motor practice while she peeled them. (We saved those peelings for later use.)

Then she sampled her 1st boiled egg.

I think she likes it.

We got in some A-B-C-D-E practice by matching plastic egg tops with capital letters to egg bottoms with lowercase letters.

And we used those egg shells to decorate our E for our alphabet book. (She had a little too much fun with the glue.)

We also had a fun date with Lucy's BF Will where we made and ate egg salad sandwiches. Well, they ate egg salad sandwiches.

Of course we threw in some egg hunts. Lots and lots of egg hunts. I actually had to put the eggs away because she was asking for so many egg hunts.

It turned out to be a really fun week and I discovered that Lucy really likes eggs. It's a good thing that Lucy's daddy also really likes eggs and enjoys cooking them. So when Lucy requests eggs in the morning, I get to sleep in and they get to have special Daddy-Lucy time with their eggs. And that, my friends, is why E week was totally worth the stinky, gooey, squishy mess!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like...

January 4th. Hmmmm. I had all intentions of catching up with my "Pruitt Preschool" posts (since we took Decemeber off), showing off our awesome Christmas crafts and activities, blogging our Christmas highlights, and having a Happy New Year! post all ready on Jan. 1. If only I could just think things and they would get done.

Lets take a trip down memory lane, shall we? Not a long trip, just a few weeks back trip. Join me, will you?

Lets talk Christmas cards for a minute.
Christmas cards. A great idea really. Plop a happy family in front of perfectly glowing Christmas tree and send those smiles all around the country for family and friends to enjoy all season long. Yes, a splendid idea. In theory.
Each year I tell myself that I'm going to have those darn pictures taken by October 31st, ordered and addressed by Thanksgiving, and mailed on December 1st. Well, we all know how my grand schemes work out. (Need I remind you that this post is about a month late???) Each year I get a little better, so this year I suppose I thought I was actually going to make those deadlines and wanted to give myself more of a challenge- I decided that I wanted to get all of said Christmas cards for free. Yes, we're on a budget and I'm staying home now with loads of free time on my hands (hahahahaha) so free Christmas cards, yes, that's what we need! (I'm beginning to see that I'm really not a smart person.) So free Christmas cards we got.
I began my search for coupon codes on November 1st. (Please note that I'm already late.) Thanks to Southern Savers I received my 1st batch of cards totally free. Like including shipping free. I was delighted. The envelopes were even lined with bright red polka dots. Oh how pretty they were. But it was a slow start with a whopping 5 cards. I needed a minimum of 35 cards. (I did scale the list down a lot this year.) I had a long way to go. But, every few days more codes popped up and I was on my way. The day before Thanksgiving, only my 1st 5 had arrived. (When you're getting things for free and wanting to pay the minimum for shipping, they take a long time, just FYI.) I had those addressed, stamped, and in the mailbox the Monday after Thanksgiving! Yay! Success for those 5 lucky people!
The rest slowly trickled in and I addressed and mailed, until I ran out of stamps. Ugh those darn stamps! I kept forgetting to buy them every time I went to the store. So my last batch made it out the Monday before Christmas. Like I said, each year gets better and better and we were at least lucky to get them out before Christmas this year instead of after New Years or even Valentine's day like in the past. Progress is a beautiful thing. And my final total was somewhere in the neighborhood of $20 (just for shipping) for 35 cards, a $20 savings from last year. Not too bad for my 1st year. (And, 1 of the companies even planted a tree with my order!)
So get to the card already... Ta da...

No happy family in front of the tree for the Pruitt's. No sir. We tell it like it is, and this my friends is how it is. I think it'll be a great reminder of this pouting/whining/happy year of the 2's.

Now lets talk traditions.
Jeff and I are still trying to figure out all of our traditions but this year we confirmed that we will not be introducing the "Santa gift". Is that a gasp I just heard? I know, it's border-line child abuse, but we feel like it the right decision for our family. We want the focus to be on Jesus and the gifts that we can give to Him so Santa will not be visiting Lucy (or any other kid in the world for that matter). We explained and she kind of understand that all of the things we do to help other people throughout the year are presents for Jesus. Of course, this is something that we will continue now that Christmas is over. The celebration just keeps going, isn't that fun?!

We attempted our 1st advent calendar this year. I stole an idea from Pinterest and made this...

That's numbers printed from here glued to pieces of scrapbook paper glued to clothes pins and clipped to christmas socks/stockings, most of which came from the $1 section of Target or my own personal collection. (Apparently I have a thing for themed socks because I had a lot.) A great friend found this book...

It is adorable! It has a small paragraph telling a portion of the Christmas story, a related activity, a Bible verse, and a prayer for each day before Christmas beginning on December 1st. Some of the activities were pretty simple so I added to them to incorporate some ministry projects and fun family activities to make them more meaningful and put them in the socks as Lucy's "experience advent calendar" instead of the typical "small toy or candy" one.
Cute, right? Well it would have been had we actually done it. We did do some of the activities and we read most of the stories but I just wasn't as disciplined with it as I would have liked to be.

Continuing our tradition from last year, Lucy received 1 gift from Jeff and I...

This was after she discovered the horn worked.

And this is how she really feels about her gift...

Booooorrrrrriiiiiinnnnnggggg! Just kidding. She loves it. Although, we have a really cute video of her walking into the living room to see it for the 1st time and I said, "Lucy, what did you get?" and she looks at me and says, "A new phone???" with the sweetest confused face ever. (I happened to be standing behind the car recording with my phone which happened to be dressed in my new cover.)

Cute, right?! Get your's here.

Now, don't you go feeling sorry for poor little Lucy who only got 1 gift. She got lots and lots and lots of gifts. And then she got some more. Her grandparents weren't about to let her go without!

New vanity with all the necessary accessories. She loves this thing and must stop here to freshen up at least 3 times before leaving to go somewhere.

Modeling a new scarf and outfit amongst many presents

This bag was literally full of pajamas, clothes, and toys. She just kept pulling and throwing. I thought she was going to fall in it.

She got so many new things, she had to get a new playroom to hold them all! Bet you can't guess what we're into this year?!

New dress up area. Please note that before Christmas she didn't have a single pair of dress up shoes (unless you count mine).

And just in case you're still not convinced...

Our car literally filled from floor to ceiling and we had to leave some things for the next trip.

As for Jeff and I, well, you remember that big yawn Lucy gave in her car? Perhaps she was remembering our gifts. I gave Jeff a bike (which he actually purchased about 3 months ago) and a pair of running shoes and he gave me half a dining room chair (which I also purchased about 3 months ago along with the other half) and a wallet. (Although it is a pretty snazzy wallet. No pics, but check it out here. You won't be sorry!
Jeff also received a jacket, highly protective phone cases (1 that doubles as a wallet), food gift cards, a gym bag, etc.
And, because I know you're itching to hear my list, I received a bread maker, new pots and pans, a Shark steam cleaner, some make up, and other odds and ends.
Can we say practical? But Jeff and I couldn't be happier. These were all things we've been wanting and possibly needing, but wouldn't buy for ourselves and we are so thrilled with our new goodies so thanks family for all of fun new gifts!

Speaking of gifts...
I decided to make as many gifts as possible this year. Not just because I'm trying to be frugal, but also because I always want to put a lot of thought into gifts so that they are meaningful and useful to the recipient and what could be more personal than a "made just for you" gift? So, here's my line up.

Covered Lampshade and hot/cold rice pack

Tile coasters (These never made it as a gift because I didn't let them dry long enough and they got stuck together.)

Fabric coasters (sorry it's at a funny angle)

Christmas is always such a fun time that goes by way too fast. I love having Jeff home a few extra days during the week and getting to see both of our families so many times in 1 month is always great. Although this Christmas had a sad ending, it was such a blessing to see Lucy begin to understand what it all means and why we're here- to worship our Creator. We are beyond blessed and I really hope were a blessing to our Savior this year.
I hope your Christmas was merry and I wish you a very happy new year!!!