Sunday, August 1, 2010

All My Single Ladies...

Oh what a busy 2 weeks...
Jeff left on July 18th to attend a World Changers project in Franklin, NC. This gave Lucy and I some great girl time. We ran lots of errands on Monday to prepare for our upcoming vacation. I'm so glad that my busy little girl loves errands! Her favorites include Target (obviously because of all the amazing things we find there) and Publix because she can "drive" the shopping cart. I think what she loves most about errands is getting so much attention from strangers because she is so stinkin' cute! Monday night was also a night I have been waiting for since May... My Southern Savers coupon class. I do not claim to be an expert on coupons, nor do I feel the need to go into excessive details about how to save by using coupons because there are plenty of websites and blogs where you can find that kind of info, but I have saved LOTS of money in the past 11 months and will share my top 5 coupon tips:

1. Shop at Publix if you can. They have the best money-saving deals, the stores are clean, and everyone is super friendly.
2. Sign up on your grocery's store's website to receive store coupons to be used with manufacturer's coupons.
3. Stack manufacturer's coupons and store coupons whenever possible.
4. Save your coupons and use them when the items are on sale to achieve maximum savings.
5. Use to plan your shopping trips.

Enough about that!
On Tuesday, Lucy and I took a trip to Charleston to spend some time with an old friend and her sweet toddler. Unfortunately it's very hard to maneuver 2 busy toddlers, all of our beach stuff, and take pictures so here is the only one I have to show for all of the fun we had.

This is a very blurry picture of my intelligent baby reading on the way to Charleston. I always keep lots of books in the car because they are the only things that keep Lucy's attention for more than 5 seconds (Thank you, God, for a child who loves books!). So, on the trip, she insisted on having all of them in her lap before she would read them. We had a great time catching up with Carrie and Anna Pearl at the beach and then eating dinner with Kira and Caroline. (Thank you, dear friends, for living in such a wonderful place and for being so accommodating when Lucy and I come for a visit.)

The rest of the week was spent cleaning and packing (thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law for keeping Lucy busy while I got some work done) for our beach vacation. Being a single mommy for the week really made me appreciate my wonderful husband so much more for all of his help with our busy girl (especially his amazingly efficient dirty diaper changing skills).

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