Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Pleasant Surprise

Lucy and I had the opportunity to spend some time at the pool today. This just so happens to be one of my favorite past times. There is nothing better than soaking up some sun with a good friend and an adorable toddler running around the pool with the slightest hint of her belly button hanging out! (See picture from previous post.) I owe a thanks to "Dra" as Lucy would say, a.k.a Aunt Kendra or Ms. Middleton for this wonderful day. Lucy enjoyed a great morning swim session then went to Grandma's for lunch, a nap, and playtime while I headed back to my lounge chair. Well, actually my seat on the step because it was a million degrees outside of the water. (Thanks Grandma for some time to relax!) Between catching-up conversations and working on my vitamin D intake, I started a new book. (Now that is my kind of multi-tasking!) I was a little skeptical about this book simply because of the way I came about it... I won it at a Beth Moore simulcast event. Please, let me explain. I thoroughly enjoy Beth Moore. My skepticism has nothing to do with her. I have been around churches long enough to know that when a church gives out books or cd's it's usually because the book or cd was given to them first. It's usually an author or artist no one has ever heard of or someone who was popular a century ago and the publishing company wants to generate some interest. I, myself, have been known to give out a Sandi Patty cd to a poor, innocent, unsuspecting youth. If you happen to be a woman my mom's age, you are saying, "Hey, I liked Sandi Patty!" And, I'm sure you did, however, the disappointed 15 year old didn't share your enthusiasm as he probably wasn't alive when Sandi was making TAPES!
I say all of this to demonstrate how pleasantly surprised I was when I began reading Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas. I also found out from my pool friend that he isn't an unheard of author... she was required to Sacred Marriage, also by him, in college. And she enjoyed it as I am enjoying this one. If I could have one desire for my precious daughter, it would be that she find a passionate love for Jesus very early and spend her entire life serving and honoring Him. How can she find this love and this desire if she doesn't observe the same love and desire in her father and me? In the few chapters I have read in this book, Mr. Thomas has discussed some of the mistakes parents make and the realities of the world we live in. I am eager to continue reading and recommend this one to new parents.

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