Monday, July 5, 2010

Snack time and Miss Independent

Lucy has been feeding herself for months but lately, much to my dismay, she insists on using her own utensils. Don't get me wrong; it is very exciting to watch my baby girl learn and develop new skills, however, being the control-freak mom that I am, eating with her own spoon or fork is one I wish she wasn't so eager to master. Getting the food on the spoon is not the problem. Getting the food from the bowl to the mouth is the issue. Watching slimy, sticky, mushy food slide from the spoon to the table/tray, bib, clothes, floor, and sometimes even the wall, is just a little more than this clean-freak can take. Usually Lucy eats foods that she can pick up and the fork or spoon only lasts long enough for her to figure out that she can get the maximum amount of food in her mouth in the shortest amount of time if she uses her hands. However, in my attempt to give the child yummy but nutritious foods, there are just times when a spoon is necessary. It takes all I have in me not to tear the clothes off of my messy but happy girl and rush her to the bathtub. How many baths can one child take in a day??? I have been known to allow "sink time" in which Lucy gets to splash in the kitchen sink while I scrub remnants from her latest meal off of her soft, slippery body. The nostalgic mom is saying, "One day you'll look back on this and laugh," to which I say, "yes, your right. That's why I have the video." But when I'm witnessing the mess unfolding I have to remind myself that eventually she will gain control of her eating tools and will be able to go on a date and more importantly, this is most likely to occur before she turns 20 years old.

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