Thursday, March 3, 2011

Potty Training 1-2-3...4-5-6-7...

The Old Pro

I'm sure that you have been waiting with bated breath to hear how the potty training is going; well wait no more, my friends because I am here to tell you that we made it through an entire day with only half an accident and lots of success in the potty! (I say half an accident because Lucy told her Memaw she needed to GO just as she was about to go/going so they made it for half of the performance.) After spending 6 days in the bathroom (minus the time she was at preschool), Lucy is getting the hang of this thing with many thanks to her fabulous Memaw for picking up right where Jeff and I left off and adding her expertise and experience.

We love this lady!

Maybe calling her "the old pro" is stretching it just a tad, but I do feel we are well on our way to being a big girl! There are no diapers to be found in this house (actually, we had about 5 left, but I'm not quite sure where I put them...) and it feels good! Yay for big girl panties!!! They are way cuter and show off that precious little hieney much better than a bulky ol' diaper.

For those of you who are not so thrilled with my incessant potty talk, I apologize. I do have a really great idea for a blog post about the new vending machine recently installed at school! Would you prefer that???