Tuesday, November 15, 2011

D is for Doctor (Pruitt Preschool)

When I told Lucy we were learning about doctors this week, she said, "Yay, yay, yay! Just like Pepaw!" Lucy's Pepaw is a doctor and I'm pretty sure she thinks he takes medicine, gives stickers, and plays with a stethoscope all day long. She was very excited to play with the band aides again from B week, and making donuts with her good friend Will didn't hurt either.

Our book of the week was My Friend the Doctor by Joanna Cole.

Our Bible verse was "A cheerful heart is good medicine." Proverbs 17:22

We started our week with our 1st family dinner at our new dining room table. I got this table for my birthday and it took a couple of weeks for delivery and assembly so it was ready just in time for D week and there were just too many d's to pass up.

Don't mind the unfinished, Halloween centerpiece; it actually did turn out cute but certainly not in this picture. And, apparently I like corn.

Next up, our 1st sensory bin. Sensory bins are just what they sound like, bins that stimulate the senses. This bin was filled with cotton balls, band aides, alcohol wipes, tongue depressors, medicine droppers, and other things out of our 1st aide kit and medicine cabinet. I also included a bottle of Tylenol so Lucy could shake it but I, of course, was their to supervise the whole time.

When she got bored with the bin, I pulled out some tweezers and a mini muffin tin so she could work on some fine motor skills by transferring cotton balls to the muffin tins using the tweezers. I had her transfer them left (the sensory bin) to right (the muffin tin) to help develop some early literacy skills.

Then we played doctor. I had 1 of Jeff's white, button-down shirts ready so Lucy could wear a "white coat" but she was not interested in that so Dr. Lucy went to work in her pj's.

Lucy created a " recovery room" for all of her patients.

We played with play-doh but we just called it "dough" for the week. She used different d cookie cutters to help reinforce our letter.

The highlight was making donut cookies with Will. This is a recipe from a cookbook that I have and they are perfect cookies for kids. They are small and just sweet enough to satisfy a sweet tooth.

Will and Lucy enjoyed these yummy donuts on their little date in the kitchen.

D week was very fun but I was not looking forward to E week (Eggs) at all!!! I think we made it pretty fun despite the stinky egg smell. Stay tuned...

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