Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Great Day to be Alive...

I started seeing students yesterday which is always a very exciting time. For one, I get to see what kind of progress they have made with their speech over the summer and for two, they all have great stories to tell about their adventures during the summer (most of which are made up). My most favorite thing is sitting back and letting my kids talk to each other. (I don't do this normally because, being the control freak speech therapist that I am, I like to rule the conversation and the speech room.) Yesterday I met 4 new 2nd graders and began our sessions by allowing them to tell the most spectacular thing they did over the summer. After explaining what "spectacular" means, the stories began. And they got bigger and better as they went. The cutest thing about the group was a sweet little guy who would look at me every now and then and say things like, "I like your hair" or "I like your necklace". To which his group mate would follow with "Oh, me too!" I think they were just trying to get beads (part of my reward system), but none-the-less it was cute!
Today, while walking with one of my 7th graders, this is the conversation we had...

Me: "Andrew, where did you get all of those Silly Bandz?" As I stare in astonishment at the stack of Silly Bandz creeping up his arm to his elbow.

Andrew: "This summer, I cleared out my bank account and spent all of my money on them."

Me: "Wow, you must have had a lot in there!"

Andrew: "$800."

Me: "You spend $800 on Silly Bandz?"

Andrew: "What, I like to buy nice things!"

Bless his heart. (I told you most of the stories were made up. This was before he told me that he went to Florida and swam out into the middle of the ocean and dove to the bottom of the ocean -11 feet in all- and then felt a shark fin touch his leg.)

After a very entertaining day, I went to pick up Lucy, who was finishing a 2.5 hour nap. She woke up as I was coming in MeMaw's door and was in a happy little mood. She insisted on taking out the bottom drawer of MeMaw's jewelry box (she loves pretties) and rummaging through it's contents. As she was playing, she found a pin. She looked at if for a few seconds before shouting with a big smile on her face "Gee Cocks"! (Lucy for "Gamecocks") She handed the pin to MeMaw and sure enough, it was a Gamecock pin. Oh joy of joys, she's a Carolina Girl!!!

As if the day couldn't get any more full of life's simple pleasures, I came home to a mailbox full of magazines and catalogs. I had never heard of one so I opened it first and was so pleasantly surprised when this greeted me from the front page...

Lucy's 1st ski suit! (Not snowsuit because she will be learning how to ski this year!!)

I wasn't incredibly impressed with the rest of the catalog, but they do have a few other cute things including leggings and leg warmers and PRECIOUS clogs! I give hannaAndersson.com 2 thumbs up for kids clothes (whoever Hanna Andersson is).

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