Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sick day(s)

My precious Lucy-Lu has had a fever since Tuesday. Doctor Grandpa checked her out and says it's just a virus so we've been persistent with Tylenol, Motrin, and juice. Her fever finally broke this afternoon, although it may have been earlier but it was very difficult to tell with this stifling South Carolina heat. Her "illness" got me thinking...
It's very interesting how men, woman, and children handle mild sickness. When woman are feeling a bit under-the-weather, they may or may not (depending on the possible side effects) take medicine and go on with their day. They may try to squeeze in some down time or go to bed early, but for the most part, things run as usual. Children may be a little more fussy than usual, but mostly they go about their business with little indication that they are sick. I am convinced that there is more sugar or (possibly caffeine) in children's Tylenol and Motrin than in a cup of juice because my already very busy Lucy-bee seems to speed up even more (I know, not possible, right??? Oh, my friend, but it is.) at just the sight of the stuff. If it weren't for her all but on fire, H-O-T HOT body, we never would have known she was sick. In fact, we didn't. Her very intuitive Grandma discovered it when I thought she was just hot because it was hot in the house. All this to say, children generally don't show any signs of not feeling well. Men, however, when not feeling well, the Earth may as well stop spinning. (I'm not simply speaking of my husband. This has been confirmed by many wives and mothers.) Everyone and everything must come to a halt because he is sick. And usually, it hasn't occurred to him to try taking some medicine. I find this very interesting!

Moving on, while Lucy was taking a sick day nap, I was reading my new book, The Southern Girl's Guide to Surviving the Newlywed Years by Annabelle Robertson. Since we have been married for almost 4 years (next Thursday) and we have a child, I do not still consider us newlyweds, however, this book caught my eye and was on sale ($1!!!) so I thought I would give it a try. It is cracking me up and will now be my Bridal Shower Staple Gift. (FYI: My Baby Shower Staple Gifts are On Becoming Baby Wise and The Happiest Baby on the Block.) So I'm reading and I suddenly get the urge to organize the kitchen cabinets. (This was not a random, out-of-the-blue feeling. I was reading the chapter where Annabelle (who, to my delight, happens to be a preachers wife) was discussing how hoarders (Jeff) and ditchers (Me) are inadvertently drawn to each other and consequently get married, but struggle to find peace with this difference.) I've been wanting to organize the kitchen cabinets since before Lucy was born, but I was too sick to even open a cabinet, much less touch anything in it. When that stage ended, I was too tired or too instructed not to stand on chairs when my sense of balance wasn't so good, and then, of course, who has time to organize cabinets after a baby comes??? Then my excuse was, "Well, really the upstairs needs to be organized first because the natural order of progression would be the upstairs, then the kitchen, then the living room, so on and so forth". (The thought of organizing the upstairs quickly puts an end to my thoughts of organization because it's really, really bad up there. Like, one may actually go insane after attempting to organize up there!) But today, I guess because I've been in this house with a sick child for a few days, I decided to walk on the wild side and skip the upstairs and go straight for the kitchen. What a wonderful decision! My pantry shelves now slightly resemble aisles at Publix. My china has finally found a home all in one cabinet (perhaps one day I'll have room for a china cabinet but for now, a whole kitchen cabinet will do). My napkins, place mats, and tablecloths are put up high so Lucy can't drag them all over the house. My cookbooks are in a lower cabinet so I can actually use them. All of the medicine is actually in the medicine box, so when my dear husband goes looking for it, he may actually find it! And, I consolidated so much, I have one whole cabinet with absolutely nothing in it. Imagine the possibilities!!! The best part... the world did not end because I went out of order! Actually, as I was admiring my newly organized pantry (it's beautiful!) I thought, "You know, the upstairs may not be that bad. I think I'll organize up there after all". I quickly changed my mind when I walked to the bottom of the stairs and observed the mountain of stuff being held in place by a baby gate and decided a bowl of ice cream (Bryer's Oreo Cookies-n-cream... b1g1 FREE this week at Publix) sounded much better. While eating my ice cream I made a plan of attack for the upstairs (yes, I plan my organization). Jeff has the day off tomorrow and I'm due for a trip to Target (finally a valid excuse!) so perhaps my house will be organized before I go back to school. This thought makes me a little giddy!

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