Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Day in the Life of Lucy

I blog because I want to remember the normal, everyday cuteness of Lucy and all of her sweet little girl happenings. One day this blog will be turned into a book for her to remember all of our fun and my trial and errors (and some successes) as a young wife and mommy. Today was a perfectly normal and yet monumental (in 2 year old terms, at least) day so I felt the need to document.

The day began with Lucy screaming from her bed, "I need to go potty, Mommy!" Usually I hear something more like, "It's bright outside, Mommy! It's bright outside!" (She's not allowed out of her bed until someone comes to get her and she's not allowed to wake up until the sun is out.) I took her to the potty and discovered our big news of the day- her pull up was dry! For you lovely people who haven't had the pleasure of potty training yet, this is not a huge deal, but for the ones who have had this experience, you know what this means- We're 1 step closer to being pull up free which will save me about $12 a month. (That doesn't sound like a lot, but spending $12 on almost anything else is way more fun that spending it on pull ups.) Lucy has technically been potty trained since right around her 2nd birthday (relive that fun here and here) but we use pull ups for naps and nighttime. We just opened a new pack of pull ups and I'm really hoping this is the last pack we'll ever need. (Wishful thinking???)

As usual, the pants came off and the heels went on. Lucy got about 600 pairs of dress up heels for Christmas and she wears each of them throughout the day.

After putting her heels on, she looked at me and said (in her most grown up voice), "I just want to read a little bit, Mom." I asked what she wanted me to do and she said, "You go downstairs." Like any good mommy, I followed directions (just trying to be a good model) and went back to bed to catch up on Facebook and Pinterest.

After reading all of her books, she pranced to the playroom and began her daily destruction.

She plays with each toy one-by-one them puts it on the floor and moves onto the next toy until she has successfully played with each toy and destroyed the once clean playroom. Then she chooses her favorite for the day and plays with that 1 toy almost all day.

In the picture above, the playroom is clean except for the things she has played with from the random toy basket.

And this is what the playroom looks like at the end of the day. Seriously, this is just from 1 day.

After a little playtime, we got dressed. (ok, so maybe this wasn't a perfectly normal day because we got dressed before 3pm and well, that doesn't always happen.) Now, for an easy-going mommy, this is a pretty simple activity but, for an OCD mommy and a very picky 2 year old, this is a battle. You see, I have a closet system. All clothes are organized by colors from lightest to darkest, short sleeves to long sleeves. You start with the 1st shirt hanging, wear it, then hang it in the back of the closet. This way all clothes get equal use. Today just happened to be sweater, jean, and tennis shoe day and guess what Lucy hates- sweaters (their too bulky like jackets), jeans (their too tight and she can't move as easily), and socks (which are worn with tennis shoes because the seams are "pokey"). She was in such a good mood this morning that I thought I would just casually start getting her dressed while she watched Dora and see how it went.

I walked in and told her I was going to get her dressed. She said, "Ok Mommy. What princess dress do we have today?" (She calls all shirts and dresses princess dresses.) After looking at my selection she threw her body back on the couch and screamed, "Noooooooo, not that one. I no like that one. Nooooooooooooooooooo." And then the fit started. A normal mother would have said, "Ok, honey, you go pick something." But no, not this girl. This was next in line and this is what we'll wear.

You see, I have a theory about clothes- it's like food. There are certain foods (and clothes) that kids just don't like to eat (or wear), but they have to anyway. I could give in and let her eat (or wear) whatever she wants, but at some point she's going to have to eat vegetables (or wear tennis shoes- like next year when she's in preschool). So, the more you expose them to those foods (or clothes), the more they get used to them and the more they don't mind eating (or wearing) them. Sounds like a pretty good theory to me. I'll let you know when my research is complete.

So she screamed and kicked and fussed but I was determined to get those clothes on. In the end, I won and she made it to the car looking adorable and with a smile on her face because she was getting some raisins once she was strapped in her seat.

We headed to story time at the library, which she loves, and made it out without a fit. (This is a pretty big achievement. We always go to the grocery store after story time and she just never wants to leave so it's always a big fight to get her out.)

I meant to take pictures of her at the library but I forgot so here's 1 of her reading a book after we left the library. (The library always renews her love of books and she spends the rest of the day going through hers.)

Off to the grocery store we went. Several months ago Lucy spotted a princess cake at the bakery and now asks to see it every time we go. This has become her reward for being a sweet girl (not singing too loudly in the store, not taking things off the shelves and putting them in the cart, and not asking for things and getting mad because I say no) during our trip. She got a real treat today because the baker was actually decorating a princess cake when we went to see it.

Next up was lunch. This week is L week (Lucy week) so we're doing a lot of Lucy's favorite things. I told her that she could pick anything she wanted for lunch and this was her choice.

Mini pancakes and mini muffins (plan to see these again next week for M week)

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful- nap and playtime with some friends while Jeff and I went to home group.

I am so thankful for my completely ordinary days with Lucy and am 1 lucky lady to have such a devoted husband who provides for our family and makes it possible for Lucy and me to have days like today.

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