Saturday, September 18, 2010

Confessions of a Shopaholic

I am a natural-born shopper. It's a trait that has been passed down from generation to generation in my family. As far as I know, it all began with my Nana (I never knew my great-grandparents, but my Nana was a master shopper (among other things) so I have to believe that she learned it from her mother who learned it from her mother and so on but I have no proof so I'll begin with Nana). Nana could smell a deal from 2 states and 3 outlet malls away. I think she enjoyed her trips to South Carolina partly because of all of the outlet malls on I95 between here and Florida (the other part was getting to see her precious grandchildren and getting to take them shopping). Many of my fondest childhood memories involve shopping with Nana. We even have shopping traditions in our family. For example, every Christmas Eve Nana would give all of the grandkids $75 and brave the last minute crowds with 2 to 4 children so that we could pick out pre-Christmas presents. (Somehow we never ended up buying what Santa had already gotten us.) Every summer, at our annual beach trip, the rainy day that never failed to come was spent at the mall buying back-to-school clothes. Nana always let us get the not-so-practical, but absolutely-necessary-to-be-cool things that our mom's just couldn't see the need for. She even had a shopping rule: You can't shop and cook on the same day. (I've always wondered if this rule should apply to grocery shopping?)

My mom and I created "Girl Days". Of course there are hundreds of things girls can do and call them a girl day, but when we say, "we need a girl day" we mean, "we need a shopping trip". (My dad caught on to this a little too quickly.) We have bonded over many a dress, shoe, and sale rack. I know that men don't understand or see the need for so much shopping, but I believe that the Good Lord created shopping to help mothers and daughters (and grandmothers and granddaughters and aunts and nieces... you get the idea) build and strengthen relationships. Think about it... could there be a better way to bond with someone than shopping for prom dresses, homecoming outfits, the wedding dress (only the most important dress of your life), the dreaded maternity clothes, the outfit you will bring you precious bundle of joy home from the hospital in, and your first "just lost all of my baby weight" outfit? Sitting on the beach comes close, but there is just something about searching for that coveted new item you must add to your wardrobe that can bring two women/girls together like a fly hitting one of those bug zapper things.

I say all of this to tell you about one shopping trip in particular. This year for my birthday, my mom gave me a much needed birthday present... a shopping trip to South Park Mall in Charlotte, NC. I say much needed because the last time I have put time and effort toward updating the contents of my closet, I had a 4 week old Lucy growing inside my belly. Sure I have purchased clothes for myself here and there and I did have a couple days of shopping dedicated to buying maternity clothes, but that was out of shear necessity rather than desire. Last Saturday it was as though I was putting on a new pair of glasses (cute, designer ones of course) and seeing the shopping world for the first time. I had forgotten about the shopping process. The "there are a few things I am looking for and would like to find, but just want to look and try on everything" feeling. At first it was a little strange to walk into a store and not have smocking and applique rompers and dresses staring me in the face. Instead, I was greeted with big people clothes. Real mannequins modeling pieces that I needed to take home with me. It was delightful! Oh my good friend, shopping, how I've missed you! The day was very successful; I not only came home with a renewed passion for shopping, but also 2 dresses, 3 pairs of pants, a sweater, and jeggings (although I haven't the slightest idea where I am going to wear the things). (I also bought an outfit and jacket for Lucy. What can I say? I'm a sucker for Lucy clothes!) Watch out Jeff; this could be dangerous! What a fabulous birthday present, Mom! When can we go back?

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