Friday, February 4, 2011

"For I know the plans I have for you..."

says the Lord. "They are plans for GOOD and not for disaster, to give a FUTURE and a HOPE. In those days when you pray, I will LISTEN. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me."
-Jeremiah 29:11-13

I have clung to these words at many times throughout my life- In middle and high school when there was, like, so much drama with friends (said in my most valley-girlish voice), when switching schools my junior year of high school where I didn't know anyone, when planning a wedding, applying to grad school, and getting married (all at the same time!), and now, more than ever, when quitting my job to stay at home with my family (more on this later), selling the house where we brought Lucy home from the hospital and moving to a strange, new city (strange in the unfamiliar sense, not in the weird sense. Aiken is precious!), and leaving friends and family and starting over at a new church and new job for Jeff.

(How's that for a run-on sentence???)

Grab a snack and settle in for a wonderful story of God moving in the lives of his people...

In Sept. and Oct., God began speaking to Jeff and I and preparing us for something. What that was, we didn't know, but we knew something was up. Separately, we both surrendered to God and said, "whatever you have planned, we're in!" Not knowing that God was speaking to both of us, we were a bit unsure of how the other would feel about this commitment. By Nov., however, we knew it was time to talk. Jeff came to me and said, "How would you feel about me putting my resume out?" Now, me being the level-headed, Type A, planner that I am, would normally need a lot of time to digest this question (posed by my not-so planner, more spontaneous hubby) and plan for possible outcomes, but God had already given me 2 months so by this point I was really thinking, "okay, God, what are you waiting for?". (Funny how well God knows each of us, isn't it?!) I said, "Go for it!", and he did- God that is! Jeff talked to my dad (part of my dad's job is helping churches find youth ministers), gave him some information and a resume, and we went back to waiting on God to make his move... for a whole day. That's right, the very next day, my dad called to say a church had called asking for Jeff's resume. By the next week, the church had the resume and an initial interview was scheduled. Immediately, we felt God saying, "this is it; prepare yourselves". Through the holidays, Jeff and I returned for interviews and meetings, praying the whole time, "God, not our will but your's." On Jan. 8, it became official.
Excitement of what is to come and anxiety of telling the people we love, among other emotions, were experienced. The blizzard of 2011 hit...
some things got delayed but finally, the word got out and love and encouragement was expressed by so many. (I want to pause here to thank everyone who has prayed for us and encouraged us through this. We will truly miss you all and can't express the impact you have made on our lives.)
Now the nightmare of selling our house in a terrible economy has become a reality. (Are you in the market? Listing Report) The potential of losing so much money is frightening but the words of Jeremiah are carrying me through this time of uncertainty. God has a plan, a good plan, that will not bring about disaster but hope for our future in Aiken. He is listening to my 24 hour a day, never ending plea, "God, please bring us over this mountain" and I know I will find him on the other side (hopefully in a beautiful, 4 bedroom home in Powderhouse Landing). His plans are much greater than my own and "we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Yeah, God's got this!
To be continued...


  1. HOLY COW!!! How exciting and crazy at the same time... I must say it sounds somewhat familiar to me right now! We are moving to TX and are in the middle of a huge transition period ourselves. God is so good though and I also know that through all this craziness and all the uncertainty He will make everything known in the end! I just have to keep going.... and trusting in his unfailing love and understanding!-Caroline Waldrup

  2. So excited about what God is doing in your lives and praying that your transition will be as smooth as possible. I love you all! It feels SO good when you make it to the other side!
